Delete a scheduled Insights-Refresh
There are two endpoints to delete scheduled auto refreshs, one to delete specific refreshs of a consumer and one to delete all refreshs of consumer.
Delete specific refreshs of a consumer
POST /insights/v1/autorefresh/delete HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Token <Token>
Host: <Host>
"insights_consumer_id" : String,
"insights_account_ids" : Array<String>
insights_consumer_id String, required
The identifier of the consumer of whom the automatic refresh should be deleted.
insights_account_ids String[], required
A list of identifiers for accounts of which the automatic refresh should be deleted.
If the request was successful an empty response is returned. For unsuccessful requests the error format can be found here.
Delete all refreshs of a consumer
POST /insights/v1/autorefresh/deletebyconsumer HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Token <Token>
Host: <Host>
"insights_consumer_id" : String
insights_consumer_id String, required
The identifier of the consumer of whom all automatic refreshs should be deleted.
If the request was successful an empty response is returned. For unsuccessful requests the error format can be found here.