PSD2 Test Bank

The main purpose of the PSD2 test bank is to enable the testing of the three different SCA methods embedded, decoupled and redirect. In addition it supports the management of the consent that is returned after a successful login to test the Consent-API.

To access the PSD2 test bank in the playground environment select Demo Bank in the bank search. In the "bank login method" selection, choose Demo Bank PSD2.

PSU: The payment service user, the consumer who is owning the bank account.
SCA: Strong customer authentication that requires the PSU to enter data from a second device or communication channel.
OTP: One time password that is required to sign or approve a transfer or a consent, often via an additional SCA.

Bank Login Keywords

The keywords below can be used during the bank login of the PSD2 test bank. Everything else that does not match a specific keyword, will start an embedded happy-case.

Embedded Flow

Entering the following values as a username in the bank login step instructs the underlying systems to execute different scenarios that can happen at banks for embedded SCAs:

Username Functionality
acin-demo-data will return more and realistic looking transaction data in the transaction call
bank-technical will pretend that there was a technical error on the bank side
bank-maintenance will pretend that the bank is currently in maintenance mode
configuration-expected will pretend that the user's account is not properly configured
embedded will ask for an OTP in the next step
invalid will present the current form again and shows a form validation error
invalid-transactions-timerange will pretend that the requested timerange is not supported
slow will force all requests to be very slow
technical will pretend that there was a technical error
validate-ip will throw an exception if the provided IP adress was not valid
validate-ip-no-v6 will throw an exception if the provided IP adress was not valid or a IPv6 was provided
wrong will pretend that the credentials were wrong and a login to the bank was denied

Decoupled Flow

Entering the following values as a username in the bank login step instructs the underlying systems to execute different scenarios that can happen at banks for decoupled SCAs:

Username Functionality
decoupled will start a decoupled SCA with state PROCESSING and automatically completes the authorization request after a random amount of polls
decoupled-abort will start a decoupled SCA and automatically fails the authorization request with a recoverable user error of type login after a random amount of polls
decoupled-failed will start a decoupled SCA and automatically fails the authorization request with a unrecoverable bank maintenance error after a random amount of polls
decoupled-loading will start a decoupled SCA that automatically completes the authorization request after a random amount of polls and slow followup requests
decoupled-long will start a decoupled SCA with state PROCESSING and automatically completes the OTP request randomly after at least 4 polls
decoupled-transfer will start a decoupled SCA for a subsequent transfer flow as the very first step (=> transfer flow immediately returns state PROCESSING)

Redirect Flow

Entering the following values as a username in the bank login step instructs the underlying systems to execute different scenarios that can happen at banks for SCAs with redirection to the bank's website:

Username Functionality
redirect will start a redirect SCA with state CONSUMER_INPUT_NEEDED + type redirect and an URL that points to the Klarna demo bank
redirect-next will start a second redirect SCA after the first one is canceled on the Klarna demo bank (result=canceled)
redirect-transfer will start a redirect SCA for a subsequent transfer flow as the very first step (=> transfer flow immediately returns state CONSUMER_INPUT_NEEDED + type redirect)
redirect-twice will trigger two subsequent redirect flows without any PSU interaction in-between
redirect-form will start a redirect SCA followed by an embedded SCA (form) to complete the authorization
redirect-decoupled will start a redirect SCA followed by a decoupled SCA to complete the authorization

Entering the following values as a username in the bank login step instructs the underlying systems to control the consent that is returned by the PSD2 test bank:

Username Functionality
create-valid-consent will create a full consent, the default consent is missing some fields which are often not available for real banks, like the PSU-id
create-invalid-consent will create an invalid consent that triggers an error on subsequent calls towards the Consent-API
create-payment-with-tokens will return a transfer_token and a transfer_id which can be used to fetch the current state of a payment via the consent transfer-state API

OTP Keywords

The keywords below can be used during the OTP approval of the PSD2 test bank, e.g. for a second SCA to sign a transfer. Everything else that does not match a specific keyword, will start an embedded happy-case.

Entering the following values as an OTP in the OTP step instructs the underlying systems to execute different scenarios that can happen at banks. These values are mainly a subset of the keywords that can also be used for the bank login:

OTP Functionality
wrong will pretend that the OTP was wrong and the transfer won't be signed
invalid will present the current form again and shows a form validation error
remit-denied will pretend that the transfer amount exceeds the available amount on the bank account (=> user error)
decoupled will start a decoupled SCA with state PROCESSING and automatically completes the OTP request after a random amount of polls
decoupled-long will start a decoupled SCA with state PROCESSING and automatically completes the OTP request randomly after at least 4 polls
decoupled-abort will start a decoupled SCA and automatically fails the OTP request with a recoverable user error of type login after a random amount of polls
decoupled-failed will start a decoupled SCA and automatically fails the OTP request with a unrecoverable bank maintenance error after a random amount of polls
redirect will start a redirect SCA for the OTP with state CONSUMER_INPUT_NEEDED + type redirect and an URL that points to the Klarna demo bank

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