White Label Integration

Open banking. by Klarna offers a white label integration for TPPs/merchants that want to take full control of the user experience in accordance with their corporate identity.

Auth API

Via the Auth API the TPP/merchant can retrieve various forms and submit the responses towards Open banking. by Klarna.

XS2A Form Schema

The JSON-based XS2A Form Schema was created to describe form elements accurately yet independent of the rendering method.


While the empty forms can be retrieved unencrypted, the form data has to be sent back encrypted.


The XS2A API exposes a dedicated endpoint from which the translations can be obtained.

Session Creation Call

The session creation call features additional parameters for white label integrators:

The parameter redirect_return_url is required for white label integrators.

Example of a Session Creation Call

PUT /sessions
    "redirect_return_url": "https://...",
    "psu": {
        "ip_address": "",
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36"
    "keys": {
        "hsm": "xxx",
        "aspsp_data": "yyy"

Requirements for a White Label integration

White label integrators have to send the keys object as part of the body of POST, PUT and DELETE requests. This is a mandatory field for all server-side API's (XS2A API, Auth API and Consent API). The keys object should look like this:

    "keys": {
        "hsm": String,
        "aspsp_data": String

keys Object, required

The keys object contains the HSM credentials and the ASPSP data.

keys.hsm String, required

The hsm field is a static string containing the encrypted access credentials to the eIDAS private keys in the Klarna HSM. This field must only be set if the Klarna HSM is used. For more information see eIDAS certificate handling section in this documentation.

keys.aspsp_data String, required

The aspsp_data field is a static string containing two HEX-values separated by a colon. This field is required for the decryption of bank specific access credentials. For more information see onboarding TPPs towards ASPSPs section in this documentation.


The payload for a session creation should be structured like this:

    "keys": {
        "hsm": String,
        "aspsp_data": String
    "selected_bank": ?{
        "bank_code": String,
        "country_code": String
    "language": ?String,
    "allowed_countries": ?Array<String>,
    "preselected_country": ?String,
    "psu": {
        "user_agent": String,
        "ip_address": String
    "redirect_return_url": String

Auth API

The payload for a POST request that is a response to a bank_search towards the Auth API should be structured like this:

    "keys": {
        "hsm": String,
        "aspsp_data": String
    "bank_code": "81070000",
    "country_code": "DE"

The payload for a POST request that is a response to a form towards the Auth API should be structured like this:

    "keys": {
        "hsm": String,
        "aspsp_data": String
    "ct": "AubzQQVfFsDFi+Ofm68cCzNFkrNbtP1fXanUmZHz0nzbLdUR0kYCY6Q+MGtQILqeK/SMlX/o/1KFdHSWSCl1c6k5g8xq147emOkwwMJUTFdovDkcTiq5Kcz3guO24DUwnV7r8kdmUUqJMuPhE27wsN+xJ8NgKhk/WJdim09nVBBShNQ2Skj13sq8xcDgRV1y5dGwJiqXaAeJ1a/RN7BNog==",
    "iv": "4ad3c9a234ca5c3ea566d2ff4f71c748",
    "ek": "Pect4rWxJrU4HREtImiKFwhC8tPSfbMU6cz+ZStoBVKamoF2vFb1jnSZPKp/h+8x3Q6Nt57odaBQWlOxwT2WCq6v2a1iTJuI7ESRw4fhw+h81i0c41HX1yuDKTgXTjJn3ucnifhQxxhJEel7A3o/hXbot/VokZ+qh6kV3hYGyjtZqQmxVbSiO1a/3nV+OJk2Rcti0yNJriPhJVEAk3/ObmbQ5pjJXVdu+ZWSMpmfuEmlTZhIw6I7mFALnQD9ausN9Sm67+nu9xwKgau+82uyjVo8A91IZIlB7zbTTPD8AkerhwBZgZb8B01/PZqx3UVJDg3v5xtehlHt0kQsseMf1A=="

As depicted in the last example, the keys object must not be part of the encrypted payload data.

The payload for a POST request towards the Consent API should be structured like this:

    "keys": {
        "hsm": String,
        "aspsp_data": String
    "consent_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjEyMzQ1Njc4OTAifQ.na71ipK8ASvggoM6C5vMjBKgJlZLxV-m6ElgHBrNtlU",
    "account_id": "fdff8f6f-d923-4489-90b3-43d11c021e1b",
    "from_date": "2018-10-05",
    "to_date": "2018-10-25",
    "psu": {
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.162 Safari/537.36",
    "ip_address": "",

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