
The concept of sessions was introduced to enable the execution of multiple flows in an efficient manner as the consumer has to authorize the access only once per session. For example: It might be convenient to first check the balance of an account to ensure sufficient funds for a following transfer.

Without sessions the consumer would first have to grant access to the account in order for the TPP/merchant to retrieve the balance information. Then the consumer would have to grant access to the account once again and would possibly have to provide a one-time password that could be required to complete the transfer. With sessions, the second redundant access grant is not necessary.

For this concept to work smoothly a bank and the corresponding login is bound to the session, meaning it can not be changed any more during the session.

Starting a Session

A session can be started by making a PUT request towards the XS2A API endpoint /xs2a/v1/sessions. This request needs to be authenticated.

The Request

PUT /xs2a/v1/sessions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token <Token>
Host: <Host>

curl -X "PUT" "<Host>/xs2a/v1/sessions" \
         -H "Authorization: Token <Token>" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d $'<payload>'

The following properties can be specified in the JSON payload:

    "selected_bank": ?{
        "bank_code": String,
        "country_code": String
    "language": ?String,
    "allowed_countries": ?Array<String>,
    "preselected_country": ?String,
    "psu": {
        "user_agent": String,
        "ip_address": String
    "redirect_return_url": ?URL,
    "consent_scope": ?{
        "accounts": ?{
        "account_details": ?{
            "ibans": ?Array<String>
        "balances": ?{
            "ibans": ?Array<String>
        "transactions": ?{
            "ibans": ?Array<String>,
            "last_days": ?Integer,
            "from_date": ?Date,
            "to_date": ?Date
        "transfer": ?{
            "ibans": ?Array<String>
        "insights_refresh": ?{
             "intended_reports": ?Array<IntendedReport>,
             "ibans": ?Array<String>,
             "insights_account_ids": ?Array<String>,
             "insights_consumer_id": ?String,
             "refresh_days": ?Integer,
             "from_date": ?Date,
             "to_date": ?Date
        "lifetime": ?Integer
    "prefill": ?{
        "pno" : ?{
            "value": String
        "force_mobile_bank_id": ?{
            "value": Boolean
        "force_customer_type": ?{
            "value": Enum<'PRIVATE','BUSINESS'>
        "organization_registration_ids" : ?{
            "values": Array<String>,
            "verification_mode": ?Enum<'NONE', 'CONFIRM', 'FORCE_IF_SUPPORTED', 'FORCE'>
    "client_consumer_id": ?String,
    "client_correlation_id": ?String,

selected_bank Object, optional

The object identifies the bank that should be selected for the session. If there should not be a preselected bank, the selected_bank property has to be omitted.

selected_bank.bank_code String, required

Needs to be specified if the bank search in the Open banking. by Klarna XS2A App should be skipped. If the BankUniverse API is used to fetch a bank code we do not always provide a bank code because of country specifics or a bank simply does not have one. In this case, you can as well pass values from the fields bic_bank_codes, synthetic_bank_codes, or local_routing_numbers in here.

selected_bank.country_code String(2), required

The country_code property needs to be specified if the bank search in the Open banking. by Klarna XS2A App should be skipped. It must comply with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 representation of the country, e.g. DE, GB, SE.

language String(2), optional

The language property specifies in which language the banks website will be accessed. This determines which language the consumer sees e.g in the login-form. A default language is used if the language is not specified or not supported. However caution is advised as a bank-website might not support the specified language. The language must comply with the ISO 639-1 representation of the language name.

Country code Default language Supported languages
AT de de, en
BE nl nl, fr, de, en
CH de de, fr, it, en
CZ en en
DE de de, en
EE en en
ES es es, en
FI fi fi, sv, en
FR fr fr, en
GB en en
HU en en
IT it it, en, de
LU en en
NL nl nl, en
NO nb nb, en
PL en en, en
PT pt pt, en
IE en en
SE sv sv, en
SK en en, de
US en en

allowed_countries String(2)[], optional

The allowed_countries property is used to only allow banks from the specified countries for this session. The country identifiers in the list must comply with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 representation of the country, e.g. DE, GB, SE.

preselected_country String(2), optional

The preselected_country property is used to preselect a country for the Klarna bank search, e.g. DE, GB, SE.

psu Object, required

The psu property contains information about the consumer (payment service user).

psu.user_agent String, required

The user_agent property holds the user agent string of the consumer's client application, e.g. the web browser.

psu.ip_address String, required

The ip_address property holds the IP address of the consumer. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are accepted formats.

redirect_return_url URL, optional

The redirect_return_url parameter defines the URL to which the consumer is redirected after the interaction with the banks website is completed.

If you integrate our offering in a mobile application we recommend setting this parameter, as it can be used to redirect back to the Android or iOS app. Additionally, we recommend following the guide on mobile redirects.

consent_scope Object, optional

The consent_scope property is used to request concrete scopes before starting a flow. Specifying consent scopes may lead to fewer strong customer authentications because the customer only has to grant access for the required scopes. If the consent_scope field is not defined all AIS- and PIS-scopes are requested with a lifetime of 90 days. Scopes are only applied for PSD2 interfaces and ignored otherwise.

Note that our service might request additional scopes to the ones defined in this field if it is necessary for the successful execution of a flow.

consent_scope.lifetime Integer, optional

The lifetime property defines for how many days the consent should be valid for. It can be any integer between 1 and even more than 180 depending on the bank whereas 1 should be used for one-time or 24 hour access. The default value is 90 days.

This means that the lifetime property defines for how long a consent can be used with the Consent API except for the transfer state.

Note that banks have different consent lifetimes. Details on the bank consent capabilites can be found in the Bank Universe.

consent_scope.<flow_type> Object, optional

As depicted in the JSON structure above, the consent can be scoped for one or multiple flows by providing a consent_scope.<flow_type> property with <flow_type> being one of the flow types (accounts, account_details, balances, transactions, transfer, insights_refresh). The default value for this parameter is an empty object.

consent_scope.<flow_type>.ibans String[], optional

A list of sender IBANs can be provided in the ibans property in order to restrict the scope for the flow type to the specified IBAN(s).

ibans is a valid property for all but the accounts flow as this is used to obtain the IBANs of a consumer.

consent_scope.transactions.from_date Date (String: "YYYY-MM-DD"), optional

The from_date property (in combination with the to_date property) describes the range of transactions to retrieve. The from_date property marks the inclusive start of the range.

A broad timerange can lead to additional strong customer authentication steps.

This can only be used in combination with consent_scope.transactions.to_date and not in combination with consent_scope.transactions.last_days.

consent_scope.transactions.to_date Date (String: "YYYY-MM-DD"), optional

The to_date property (in combination with the from_date property) describes the range of transactions to retrieve. The to_date property marks the inclusive end of the range.

This can only be used in combination with consent_scope.transactions.from_date and not in combination with consent_scope.transactions.last_days.

The date range defined by consent_scope.transactions.from_date and consent_scope.transactions.to_date is final for the resulting consent. If you plan to fetch transactions from any other dates then those dates need to be included. For example to fetch transactions on each day for the next 90 days then to_date = today + consent_scope.lifetime (90 days).

consent_scope.transactions.last_days Integer, optional

The last_days field can be used to query the last X days from today. The time range will automatically adapt to provide future transactions until the end of the lifetime of the consent as specified in consent_scope.lifetime.

If neither to_date and from_date nor last_days are provided we will default to 90 being set for last_days.

consent_scope.insights_refresh Object, optional

The insights_refresh flow requires more detailed information. It is needed to provide all data for the required flows, which would be triggered by the insights_refresh flow. This will be determined by the intended_reports property.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.intended_reports IntendedReport, optional

With the intended_reports property the kind of insights will be determined. This will trigger other flows, which might require some additional information (e.g. the from_date property). If missing, all AIS flows will be triggered to ensure enough data for any insight will be stored/refreshed.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.ibans String[], optional

Supports the filter for accounts via list of IBANs, see more details here.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.insights_account_ids String[], optional

A list of Account Insights identifiers representing an account used by a previous insights_refresh flow. Also the corresponding consumer of those accounts must be provided in the insights_consumer_id parameter.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.insights_consumer_id String, optional

The insights_consumer_id identifies the consumer and is required if any insights_account_ids are sent.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.refresh_days Integer, optional

This parameter allows to define a timeframe without the need to calculate dates. If refresh_days provides a value, the parameters from_date and to_date will be derived from current day (today) minus the given number of days. The timeframe for which the data should be updated can be set by specifying either the from_date and to_date parameters or this refresh_days parameter. If no timeframe is specified, the default timeframe of the last 62 days will be used.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.from_date Date (String: "YYYY-MM-DD"), optional

The from_date property (in combination with the to_date property) will be used as the inclusive start date for the account information to be retrieved.

The timeframe for which the data should be updated can be set by specifying either the from_date and to_date parameters or this refresh_days parameter. If no timeframe is specified, the default timeframe of the last 62 days will be used.

consent_scope.insights_refresh.to_date Date (String: "YYYY-MM-DD"), optional

The to_date property (in combination with the from_date property) will be used as the inclusive end date for the account information to be retrieved.

The timeframe for which the data should be updated can be set by specifying either the from_date and to_date parameters or this refresh_days parameter. If no timeframe is specified, the default timeframe of the last 62 days will be used.

prefill Object, optional

The prefill property can be used to provide data that will be automatically prefilled or preselected in forms that the consumer encounters.

For each form all applicable provided data is prefilled. If all required fields are filled the form will also be submitted automatically.

The prefill feature is currently only available for Swedish banks.

prefill.pno Object, optional

The pno property is an object that holds information about the swedish personal identity number (Swedish: personnummer).

prefill.pno.value String, required

The value property has to be a string containing the personal identity number.

prefill.force_mobile_bank_id Object, optional

The force_mobile_bank_id property is an object that holds information about forcing the BankID authentication in Sweden.

prefill.force_mobile_bank_id.value Boolean, required

The value property has to be a boolean indicating whether the BankID authentication should be enforced if available.

prefill.force_customer_type Object, optional

The force_customer_type property is an object that holds information about the selection of the private or business account connection. It allows an automatic selection in case a bank offers such a selection. No automatic selection is done in case of doubt, e.g. there are more than 1 possible option or the options given are unclear.

prefill.force_customer_type.value Enum, required

The value property has to be one of two possible values:

  • private
  • business

prefill.organization_registration_ids Object, optional

The organization_registration_ids property is an object that holds its configuration, for example prefilling or verification modes.

prefill.organization_registration_ids.values String[], required

The values property is a string array that contains the organization registration id(s). These will be used to prefill the corresponding input field if it is supported.

prefill.organization_registration_ids.verification_mode Enum, optional

An enum that can be configured to verify the usage of the prefilled value. If set to anything other than NONE It will verify if the organization registration id(s) that was submitted towards the bank is matching against the one(s) that was configured in prefill.organization_registration_ids.values. The result can be fetched in the "GET session" response. The verification_mode property can be one of four possible values:

  • NONE No verification is being made. Default value.
  • CONFIRM The flow will not be aborted in any case.
  • FORCE_IF_SUPPORTED The flow will be aborted if it is supported by the integration and the organization id(s) submitted to the bank is different from the values property that was configured.
  • FORCE Same as FORCE_IF_SUPPORTED and also aborts if prefilling organization ids is not supported by the integration.

client_consumer_id String(255), optional

The client_consumer_id property holds a unique ID per consumer that can be used to identify the consumer throughout multiple sessions.

client_correlation_id String(255), optional

The client_correlation_id property holds unique information to identify the session in the Open Banking Portal.

For further configuration on the session creation call a white label integrator can visit the White Label Integration section.

    "consent_scope": {
        "accounts": { },
        "account_details": { },
        "balances": { },
        "transactions": { },
        "lifetime": 1
    "consent_scope": {
        "transfer": {
          "ibans": [ "DE06000000000023456789" ]
        "lifetime": 1

The Response

After a successful call is made the following response is returned along with a 201 CREATED status code:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
    "data": {
        "session_id": String,
        "session_id_short": String,
        "self": URL,
        "consent": URL,
        "flows": {
            <flow_type>: URL,

data Object, always present

The data property wraps the actual information in every response returned by the XS2A-API and has no other purpose.

data.session_id String, always present

The session_id property holds a unique id which identifies the XS2A-API session. This id should be saved for later use and debugging purposes.

data.session_id_short String, always present

The session_id_short property holds a non-unique 8 character code. The code can be shown to the consumer and used for interaction with customer service.

data.self URL, always present

The self property holds a url which identifies the session and has to be saved for further calls. This url is bound to the session and can not be used for other sessions.

data.consent URL, always present

The consent property holds a url which can be called to retrieve the consent, if available. This url is bound to the session and can not be used for other sessions.

For more information see the documentation about fetching the consent token.

data.flows Object, always present

The flows property is a map that holds flows. Each entry in the flows property represents a flow of the type specified by the entry's key (flow_type). The value of an entry is the url that, when called, starts a flow of the specified type.

Getting Information about a Session

The Request

In order to obtain information about a session on the XS2A-API the self-url that is returned in the CREATE call when initiating a session needs to be called with GET:

GET <session.self> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Authorization: Token <Token>
curl "<session.self>" -H "Authorization: Token <token>"

There is no payload attached.

The Response

After a successful call is made the following response is returned:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "data": {
        "session_id": String,
        "session_id_short": String,
        "state": Enum<'IN_FLOW', 'IDLE', 'EXCEPTION', 'CLOSED'>,
        "current_flow": ?{
            "flow_id": String,
            "url": String,
            "type": String
        "previous_flows": Array<{
            "flow_id": String,
            "url": String,
            "type": String
        "bank": {
            "bank_name": ?String,
            "country_code": ?String,
            "bank_code": ?String,
            "connection": ?Enum<'PSD2', 'FALLBACK'>,
            "bank_krn": ?String,
            "integration_krn": ?String,
            "sub_integration_krn": ?String
        "consumer_id": ?String,
        "prefill": ?{
            "organization_registration_ids": ?{
                "verification_mode": ?Enum<'CONFIRM', 'FORCE_IF_SUPPORTED', 'FORCE'>,
                "verification_result": ?Enum<'NONE', 'MATCHING', 'NOT_MATCHING', 'NOT_SUPPORTED'>

data Object, always present

The data property wraps the actual information in every response returned by the XS2A-API and has no other purpose.

data.session_id String, always present

The session_id property holds a unique id which identifies the XS2A-API session.

data.session_id_short String, always present

The session_id_short property holds a non-unique 8 character code. The code can be shown to the consumer and used for interaction with customer service.

data.state Enum, always present

The state property holds the current state of the session that can be one of the following:

  • IN_FLOW - Currently in a running flow. The flow must be aborted or finished before the session can start a new flow or be closed.
  • IDLE - Currently not in a running flow but still open. Both starting a new flow and closing the session is possible.
  • EXCEPTION - Session ended in an exception and can not be used anymore.
  • CLOSED - Session is closed and can not be used anymore.

data.current_flow Object, optional

The current_flow property holds information about the currently running flow in the session.

data.current_flow.flow_id String, always present

The id of the flow

data.current_flow.url URL, always present

A url to call in order to get the state of the flow (see Retrieving Information about a Flow for more information).

data.current_flow.type String, always present

The type of the flow (see Flow for a list of possible flow types).

data.previous_flows Object[], always present

The previous_flows property is an array holding all flows that were executed before.

The properties of the objects in the previous_flows array are the same as those listed for the current_flow object. Object, always present

The bank property holds information about the selected bank in the session. All fields are optional and may be filled during the execution of a flow. String, optional

The bank_name property holds the name of the chosen bank. String(2), optional

The country_code property holds the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the chosen bank, e.g. DE, GB, SE. String, optional

The bank_name property holds the bank code of the chosen bank. Enum, optional

The connection property holds the type of the integration towards the bank. Possible values are PSD2 and FALLBACK. String, optional

The bank_krn property holds the bank krn, which is an identifier of the chosen bank. Further information can be found here. String, optional

The integration_krn property holds the krn of the used integration. It is an identifier of the used integration, which could be using PSD2 or a FALLBACK integration. Further information can be found here and here. String, optional

The sub_integration_krn property holds the krn of the subintegration. Further information can be found here and here.

data.consumer_id String(0,512), optional

The consumer_id identifies the consumer throughout multiple sessions. It has a maximum length of 512 characters. The field will only be available after the consumer has successfully logged in.

data.prefill Object, optional

The prefill can hold information regarding different topics from what was configured, for example the result of verifying if a configured prefill value was used or not.

data.prefill.organization_registration_ids Object, optional

organization_registration_ids can hold information depending on how it was configured in the session creation.

data.prefill.organization_registration_ids.verification_mode Enum, optional

verification_mode is what was configured in the session creation. It is not present if it was set to NONE.

data.prefill.organization_registration_ids.verification_result Enum, optional

If the verification mode is set to NONE it will not be present. verification_result can be one of four different values.

  • NONE The verification has not yet been made.
  • MATCHING The configured value(s) is matching against what was submitted.
  • NOT_MATCHING The configured value(s) did not match against what was submitted.
  • NOT_SUPPORTED The prefill field organization_registration_ids is not supported for the integration in use.

Closing a Session

XS2A sessions should be closed as soon as possible because this, in turn, allows the XS2A API to close the session with the bank. An unclosed session between the XS2A API and the bank might influence or interfere with the consumer's future interaction with the bank.

A quick progression through the XS2A session also reduces the risk of "losing" sessions as some banks terminate sessions that have been inactive for some time. Sessions that have run in such a timeout on bank-side can not be interacted with anymore. Furthermore, these sessions are not ended "properly" and thus sometimes influence the consumer's future interaction with the bank as well.

Data from XS2A sessions with a terminated bank session can still be retrieved up to 30 minutes after the last interaction with the XS2A session. When the XS2A session expires or is closed, the data is deleted from Klarna's systems and can thus not be retrieved anymore.

In case a XS2A session has surpassed the lifetime of 30 minutes or is not usable anymore due to an exception in the flow, the session is closed automatically. We still recommend to actively close a session and not rely on that behaviour for the above mentioned reasons.

How to close a Session

A running session can be closed by making a DELETE request towards the self-url that is returned when initiating a session.

The Request

DELETE <session.self> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token <Token>
curl -X "DELETE" "<session.self>"
         -H "Authorization: Token <token>"

There is no attached payload.

The Response

There are 3 possible responses.

HTTP 204

This response indicates that the session was closed successfully.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

HTTP 404

This response indicates that either the session_id is incorrect and no session can be found for that id or the session has surpassed the session lifetime and was already closed as a result and removed from the system.

    "error": {
        "code": "notFound",
        "message": "Session for provided id not found"

HTTP 409

This response indicates that either there is still a flow running as part of the session, meaning the session can not be closed unless the flow is closed or finished, or the session is in a final state, i.e. CLOSED or EXCEPTION.

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json

The response holds the following payload in case there is still a flow running.

    "data": {
        "code": "CONFLICT",
        "message": "Session with id <session.session_id> is still in running flow, finish/end all running flows before closing session"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""